Thursday, August 11, 2011

Affairs outside the marriage?

Late last year I had to travel to a different state for work related issues for roughly 7 months. I am a single woman with really no responsibilities other than pay my bills. I met a guy who was there for the same reasons and we hit it off pretty well. We started seeing each other and became known as milo and otis because we were inseparable. Shortly after we began having relations together he informed me he was married with a family. I began hearing the pity story that I am sure most married men tell. I am unhappy, my wife is a terrible person, terrible mother etc etc. She complains she is bored and depressed, she doesn't work, I try to tell her to go to college so she will feel better about herself etc etc. I bought into it. I had overheard many phone conversations and had come to believe that he may be right about his wife. After about 2 months of us just being friends and our personal relations starting I became pregnant. I ended up deciding on getting an abortion against my better judgment to protect him and myself from being punished at work. (it is punishable for a married person to have any sexual relationship outside of the marriage and the other person is also punishable) I also knew if I didn't have the procedure done my career would have been put on hold for about a year. I did not want that. Afterwords were still together day and night. There wasnt a moment we werent together. When the time came for me to leave (I was there a few weeks less than he) he drove me to the airport. Upon arrival I had noticed he had started crying, I was already in tears three days before hand. We eventually said our goodbyes and parted ways. We spoke every few days upon me returning home. I haven't talked to him since April. My belief is his wife (whom he also said was leaving him and taking the kids but apparently ended up coming back) saw my number on his phone bill. I have recieved a few blocked calls since I've been home and once while I was still there recieved a call from her, in which she simply said nothing and hung up, followed by a blocked call with the same outcome. He is now stationed in Korea and I have gotten back with an ex that I've been off and on with for 3 years. I know the relationship with the married guy is over but I can't help missing him. I know they say if it seems too perfect its probably not true or whatever but I can't help the way I felt when I was with him. I think about him alot. I wish I could see him. Yet on the other hand I think I resent him for making me hurt the way I am hurting now. I really need help getting over this man and moving on with my life.

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